Friday, December 21, 2007

The Process

3" Squares were cut from the over-dyed, quilted, cotton musical fabric and appliqued to the background, quilted, cotton "vine" fabric--using zig-zag--now ready to be "squared-up", cut to size, and bound on the edges in preparation for the final stage of presentation.

The quilting begins...I chose the same programmed, embroidery stitch that I used with the musical fabric...thought for a moment that I would do free-motion, following the design of the grapes and leaves, but changed my mind (I'm not sure why?)...and am using an invisible thread for quilting, as I do not wish to add any more color to the fabric--only texture, with the ability to hold weight, if I decide later to "hang" a found object!!!

Often a wonderful fabric is found, but just doesnt fit the color "scheme" the process of over-dying takes place, as demonstrated below, in the beginning of the process of a new art quilt. I continue in the series--"Nine Patch becomes Wine Patch"--and will document the process as I work to finish this new piece...

A black and white commercial cotton, over-dyed and machine quilted with a programmed, embroidery stitch--with metallic thread.
A blue and white cotton dish towel, over-dyed to teal/purple.

1 comment:

srikakulamdt said...