Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Folk Writing

I have been collecting the art of a Georgia artist who makes paper mache, folk art women/dolls from her re-cycled junk mail.  These women seem to "speak" to me with their individual stories, and I often attach found objects that tend to lead to their story.  I am a voracious reader and have always wished to be able to write!  After recently attending many readings by authors and poets at the Sewanee Writer's Conference, held at The University of the South every summer, I became inspired to begin to write the stories of these women. This is the beginning of my writing--inspired through the art of another!


We shared a Coon Dog connection.

I spotted her in a shallow ditch along the gravel path to my cabin. She was just lying there, as if protecting something. She appeared so thin and tired. I was worried by her appearance, and wondered why she was always there when I passed by. Did she have a home? If so, why was she always here at the same spot? Was she protecting something?

After several passings, I stopped one day, to try to coax her to me. But the minute I stopped the car and opened the door, she ran into the nearby woods. I whistled and called "come here girl" but she would not leave the woods, as I could barely see her watching me.

The next day when I passed, she was back in the ditch. I came prepared, this time with food, to try and coax her to me. I put the bowl of food on the side of the ditch, as she descended into the woods again. I saw nothing in the ditch where she lies.

A few hours later, I drove by. The food was gone and so was she. The next day I put the food down the lane, closer to my cabin. My thoughts--could I get her to my home, as I moved the food closer every day. On the fifth day, I carried the food bowl from the last spot, walking very slowly, and whistling for her. She appeared and looking over my shoulder, I could see her begin to follow me. I walked slowly up the lane, and she followed me the entire way, yet keeping a safe distance. I set the bowl down near the foot of the porch steps, went inside the cabin, and watched as she devoured the entire bowl. Oh, she was beautiful, in spite of her thin and sad looking body. She was the most beautiful Coon Dog to me!

From that day forward she never left my property. I spoke to her softly and sweetly for many hours and days, before she finally allowed me to stroke her beautiful black coat. She seemed to listen and understand all I told her, and especially when I told her about my special visit to the Coon Dog Cemetery in Alabama. Established in 1937, and formerly a popular camp for hunters and their coon dogs, it became the final resting place for prized Coon Dogs of that area of Alabama. Did Lady know from our beginning that I had been so overcome by this special place and and the endearing stories I learned from my visit, years ago?

As our love and friendship grew, we became inseperable. She slept in my bed with me every night. I bought her toys--her favorite being a little stuffed dog. She would bring it to me at bedtime, and allow me to take it from her mouth. I would hold it to my heart and tell her how much I loved her and her baby. She would watch me carefully, as she placed her paw on my leg, and wait for me to give it back, as she took it in her mouth and placed it next to us on the bed.

And what a Coon Dog she was! On one occasion I watched as she spotted a raccoon descending a pine tree above my grape arbor. When that raccoon fell to the top of the grape arbor, Lady was waiting underneath the arbor and snatched that raccoon without hesitation. Her instincts took charge!

Today, she remains my shadow. I still wonder if she lost a litter of puppies at one time, or even if she had been abused by a previous owner. But all that matters now is that she is loved completely, and always will be. And I believe she knew all along that I had a special Coon Dog story connection...this we shared.

(A story, with some truth...my recent experience with my friends Coon Dog-"Lady"...their similar story about how they found her, and my experience with her the day I met her. My friends told me that she NEVER took to anyone, as she did to me! Yes, even bringing me her stuffed toy, for me to hold and love!)

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