Thursday, January 10, 2008


Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
One must often take a diversion and seek out other forms of art for inspiration!!!
As I continue creating a "bottle tree" forest, I've "rescued" as many Christmas trees as possible!!! I trimmed all branches, then secured the tree in a "found" Christmas tree stand (which I painted up a bit to add color--did I mention I love color?!), and finally added the bottles--wine bottles, beer bottles, "found" other bottles! Oh What Fun!!! and even more fun supplying the bottles, especially those WINE BOTTLES!!!!!!!!!!


Nellie's Needles said...

I looooove your bottle trees ... both the "real" ones and those in your art. What is their significance? the folk story behind them?

Colleen said...

Thank you so much, Nellie...the story behind the bottle tree as I heard it on NPR by Alabama's storyteller, Katherine Windham Tucker, is that by hanging blue bottles from a tree doesn't allow evil spirits to be around...Finding it difficult to find the "blue" bottles I've incorporated all colors--just plain fun "Yard Art"!!! Cindy Norwood of Northport, Alabama has a forest of blue bottle trees in her yard--The Tuscaloosa News had a great article on her this past April--may still be found at

Nellie's Needles said...

Thank you for the link. There a nice video on that link, too.